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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Homemade Diaper Rash Cream "Anti-Paste"

Since I couldn't find HappyTails cream and after talking to our pediatrician, I've concocted my own diaper cream that I call Mommy's Anti-Paste because it's anti-microbial with an antibiotic, antifungal, antiseptic, and antipruritic.  Real creative I know.  Wanna know what's in it?  Unmeasured amounts, but close to equal parts of: ** substitutions permissible for any of the antimicrobials**

Desitin (zinc oxide ointment) for diaper rash 
melaleuca/tea tree oil, an antiseptic astringent
Neosporin cream (triple antibiotic cream), for bacterial infection
Tinactin (tolnaftate), for fungal infection
organic baby lotion (angel baby earth mama) as a neutralizer
or organic almond or coconut oil as a neutralizer
hydrocortisone cream for itching

Liam has such sensitive skin I probably put more lotion in than anything else based on smell. I have it in a tupperware type container next to the changing table. Be sure to stir well before applying. I make more as the supply gets low.  I never measure anything so it's probably different every time but it has worked wonders!  Whatever the rash is has disappeared almost completely!

Note: This mixture is not cloth-diaper friendly so please use a liner between ointment and diaper to protect your diapers.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Still a work in progress

I'm still working diligently when Liam allows to compile all my favorite things. This is a constantly evolving project as I find new things that I like better. :) Feel free to share input and ideas to my email.

Thanks for sharing in this project with me!
