What I've learned with my first born is teething comes at all ages. Some references say 4-7 months and as late as a year. My baby was an early bloomer and got his first at 4 months and didn't stop until he had 8 teeth, 6 months later. Right before his first birthday we noticed a bit more biting and chewing on things. 4 molars are working their way in. He's been teething his whole life! Mostly he drools and chews, occasionally fever, but I don't think diarrhea is a symptom of teething. Sensitive skin may break out around the mouth, I tried to keep his face dry by blotting a bib frequently but never used an ointment.
So what do we do about it? The teeth he has are sensitive so popsicles and frozen rings aren't a favorite. Instead we freeze wet washcloths. For the molars, he likes frozen grapes he can gnaw on in a net teether. I still have teething tablets from Hylands and Little Rememdies so he gets those at night. I don't treat fever unless he's cranky.
originally posted 3/11/2011
I'm a nurse by trade and former stay at home, homeschooling mom. I've got three boys, ages 14, 13 and 7. I want to share any knowledge I've gained raising two completely different personalities and adding a third. My goal is to share my experiences and favorite things for my family. I love a good bargain so I hope by sharing ideas I can help other moms discover amazing products too! I'll also be sharing crafts I've attempted, recipes I've tweeked, and family friendly ideas I try out.